ISSN: 2161-0711

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Optimizing Physician's Self-introduction to Pediatric Patients and their Parents: A Quality Improvement Project

Wallaa A. Garout*

Patient’s first interaction is a determinant step for successful communication that affects the care process. However, several physicians may be unaware of the importance of self-and role-introduction to foster a physician–patient relationship in pediatric care. This study aimed to promote relationship-centered care by increasing the compliance with SRI among pediatric physicians to 95%, from 70.9% as the baseline. This performance improvement project was conducted at the Pediatric Department of a hospital in Western Saudi Arabia, from August 1 to October 31, 2019. It was designed based on the Find, Organize, Clarify, Understand and Select: Plan-Do-Check-Act wheel model. Pediatric physicians participated in meetings on patients’ rights, which emphasized the importance of physicians’ self-and role-introduction. Patients’ parents were surveyed regarding their satisfaction with the self-and role-introduction of physicians. Three audit cycles were performed. A significant increase in parents’ satisfaction rates from 70.9% to 85.5% during the first cycle was observed. The target was obtained by the end of the second audit cycle. By the end of the 3rd cycle, a plateau was observed, which was as high as 98.2%. Physicians’ self-and role-introduction to patients’ parents and caregivers is a relevant opportunity to improve care quality and relationship-centered care.