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Otolaryngology Subspecialty Surgical Rescheduling Rates During the COVID- 19 Epidemic

Emily S. Sagalow

COVID- 19 is a new coronavirus that was linked in December 2019. After public lockdown restrictions were legislated in March 2020, COVID-19 affected the practice of numerous specialties, including otolaryngology. Otolaryngology was supposed to be a high- threat specialty for COVID- 19 transmission due to its primary focus on the nasopharynx and respiratory tract and to the substantial aerosol product during operative procedures. Multitudinous studies have indicated the localization of large viral loads in the nasal epithelial cells, with the nasal depression and nasopharynx having the loftiest attention of contagion in the upper respiratory tract. These factors, in combination with reports of shy particular defensive outfit and delayed reversal time for individual testing, placed otolaryngology providers at high threat during surgical procedures in the early stages of the epidemic [1].