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Past Conference Editorial of Biomaterials 2020

Miguel Ángel

Conference Series LLC Ltd hosted the “Biomaterials 2020”, during August 31, 2020, online with the theme, “Gain critical insights in the research: Advanced Biomaterials”, which was a great success. Eminent keynote speakers from various reputed institutions and organizations addressed the gathering with their resplendent presence.

We extend our grateful thanks to all the momentous speakers, conference attendees who contributed towards the successful run of the conference.

Biomaterials 2020 witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various latest and exciting innovations in all area of Biomaterials.

Biomaterials 2020 Organizing Committee extends its gratitude and congratulates the Honorable Moderators of the conference.

Conference Series LLC Ltd extends its warm gratitude to all the Honorable Guests and Keynote Speakers of “Biomaterials 2020”.

Miguel Ángel, Networking Research Center on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), Spain Martina Marsotto, RomaTre University School of Science, Italy Gizem Cigdem Demir, Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Conference Series LLC Ltd is privileged to felicitate Biomaterials 2020 Organizing Committee, Keynote Speakers, Chairs & Co-Chairs and also the Moderators of the conference whose support and efforts made the conference to move on the path of success. Conference Series LLC LTD thanks every individual participant for the enormous exquisite response. This inspires us to continue organizing events and conferences for further research in the field of Biomaterials.

Conference Series LLC Ltd is glad to announce its “6th Annual Conference and Expo on Biomaterials, which will be held during June 09-10, 2021 at Berlin, Germany. We cordially welcome all the Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Nano Science Scientists, Students, Biomaterials Researchers, Tissue Engineering Researchers, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Nano Science Faculty members, Medical Colleges, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Nanomaterials Associations and Societies, Biomedical Business Entrepreneurs, 3D Printing companies, Medical device manufacturing Companies, Companies related to Biodegradable materials industry, to take part in this upcoming conference to witness invaluable scientific discussions and contribute to the future innovations in the field of Biomaterials with 20% abatement on the Early Bird Prices.

Bookmark your dates for “Biomaterials 2021, Berlin” as the Nominations for Best Poster Awards and Young Researcher Awards are open across the world.