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Patient and Staff Radiation Exposure during Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography: Eight Years of Dose Monitoring

Tsapaki V, Paraskeva DK, Giannakopoulos A, Chatzoglou V, Nikolopoulos D, Angelogiannopoulou P, Papaeuthimiou S and Kottou S

The aim of the study was to analyze eight years of patient and staff radiation exposure data during Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP). Parameters recorded and calculated were: patient age, kermaarea product (KAP), fluoroscopy time (T) and total number of images (I) in 1632 ERCP procedures. An experienced endoscopist (more than 10 years of practice) performed the ERCPs and was monitored by a thermoluminescent dosemeter worn over a 0.25 mm lead apron. Patient mean (SD) age was 70.6 (14.8) years. Median (max) of KAP value was 15.6 (371.2) Gy.cm2. Median (max) of T and I were 3.3 (50.0) min and 3 (10) images, respectively. Median values of KAP showed a reduction over the eight years, although median values of T and I showed a slight increase during the same period. KAP and T values of the present study appeared to be close to those reported in similar studies in the literature. Monthly endoscopist radiation dose was negligible due to the proper use of lead apron, collar and two leadarticulated ceiling mounted shields (90 cm width each).

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