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Pediatric Otolaryngology and Pandemics

Brian Berridge

The ideal is to describe how the COVID epidemic changed the epidemiology and operation of pediatric otolaryngologic conditions, which may impact clinical decision- making in the future. Numerous changes were made to the structure of healthcare delivery to minimize transmission of coronavirus. As a result, there was a wide relinquishment of telehealth. Also, guidelines were published with new protocols for evaluation and operation of common pediatric otolaryngologic conditions, which in numerous circumstances, delayed or replaced surgical intervention. Now, as we estimate the impact of these clinical changes, we've gained new understanding about the pathophysiology of certain pediatric conditions, videlicet otitis media, for which upper respiratory infection exposure may play a larger part than preliminarily allowed As we've altered practice patterns for common pediatric otolaryngologic conditions, we fete that ongoing exploration may help us determine if surgical interventions have been overpassed in the history and help guide clinical practice guidelines moving forward. Over the last 50 times, we've seen the dramatic impact of pandemics and vaccines on pediatric otolaryngologic complaint epidemiology and treatment.