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Periodontitis Disease

Farhan Faruqee

The most frequent condition identified in small animal veterinary care is periodontal disease. Yet, in the vast majority of instances, there are little to no overt clinical indications of the disease process; as a result, therapy frequently begins relatively late in the course of the disease. As a result, periodontal disease is the animal health issue that is least well-treated. Moreover, uncontrolled periodontal disease causes a number of grave local and systemic effects. These consequences which are described in the article—should be used to inform clients and promote adherence to therapy advice. Oronasal fistulas, class II perioendo lesions, pathologic fractures, ocular issues, osteomyelitis, and a higher risk of oral cancer are some of the local effects. The following systemic conditions have been associated to periodontal disease: osteoporosis, unfavourable pregnancy outcomes, diabetes mellitus, and renal, hepatic, pulmonary, and cardiac illnesses. This article first discusses the pathogenesis of periodontal disease, then moves on to the clinical signs and diagnostic procedures, before moving on to the effects.

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