ISSN: 2329-910X

Investigación clínica sobre pie y tobillo

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Post-Burn Roentgengraphic Study of the Foot in Children

Babur M Shakirov

Foot burns in a pediatric patient require special consideration. In deep burns of III-IV degree in children, covering 5% and more of the body surface, that cause the development of burn disease, most patients develop osteoporosis of uniform, spotted and reparative type. 79 patients aged 14 years and younger underwent X-ray examination at the Burn department of RSCUMA and the Samarkand Inter-Regional Burn Centre. X-ray method is the main in recognition and study of the pathology of bones and cartilages of the foot and ankle joint. In prolonged treatment of burn disease premature degenerative changes of joint, sublaxations, ankilosis and calcification in para-articular soft tissues were observed. The early surgical treatment of burnt foot deformation leads to definite positive changes in bones.