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Preterm Birth's Impact on Musculoskeletal Health and Related Disorders

Sarah Ziane

Preterm birth is linked to a number of illnesses and problems that need for interdisciplinary medical treatment.Premature birth affects 10% of all newborns worldwide, with an improving survival rate in practically all Western nations. The maintenance of adequate medical treatment regimens, which must be continued throughout the patients lifetimes, is being made more difficult by this continuous but desired tendency. Orthopedic surgeons concentrate on treating musculoskeletal conditions and enhancing their patients' capacity to deal with the stresses of daily living.Cerebral palsy and an abnormal calcium/phosphorus metabolism that can result in fractures are the two diseases most frequently linked to preterm delivery. The clinical presentation and biological expression of these disorders might differ substantially. This necessitates collaboration across disciplines and parental support. Clinical treatment aims to improve a patient's physical and neurological state as soon as possible and to stop the emergence of subsequent musculoskeletal problems. In this article, we provide a review of recent research on the most prevalent musculoskeletal conditions linked to preterm delivery and critically examine cutting-edge diagnostic guidelines and treatment plans.