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Prolong Wearing of High Heeled Shoes Can Cause Low Back Pain

Farjad Afzal and Sidra Manzoor

High heeled shoes greatly affect the lumbar curve, increase loading on tibialis anterior muscle and also disturb the center of mass of body. High heels shoes also causing increased weight bearing on toes, ankle sprains and leg and back pain. High heeled shoes wearing also affect the stride length, walking speed, and abnormal gait patterns. Moreover by wearing high heels, posture is not stable and increased risk of fall especially in old population. High heeled shoes also cause increase lumbar lordosis and increase compressive forces on lumbar vertebras that are leading towards lumbar spondylosis. Body balance, trunk stability, muscles activation of ankle and knee, muscle activation of cervical and lumbar spine, body weight distribution and walking speed are all affected by wearing high heeled shoes. As health professionals, we should identify these hazards create awareness among people. New studies are needed to identify how high heeled shoes contribute to low back pain.

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