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Dehghani M, Kamrani E, Salarpouri A and Kamali E
In this study, relationships between fish length and otolith length, width and weight of Sardinella sindensis from Bandar Lengeh and Qeshm Island, Persian Gulf were analyzed. In total, 128 and 120 fishes collected from Commercial catches during March 2011-February 2012 in the Bandar Lengeh and Qeshm Island repectively. There were no significant differences between left and right otolith (t-test, P>0.05) and between males and females otolith (ANCOVA, P>0.05). For these reasons, only right otoliths were used for next analysis and data of each two sex were pooled. Relationships between length and otolith length, width and weight described by linear regression models and high correlation showed for all relationships. The highest correlation was between fish length and otolith length (Bandar Lengeh, R2=0.8722; Qeshm Island, R2=0.8661) and relashionship between fish length and otolith width was less correlation than other relathionships (Bandar Lengeh, R2=0.7355; Qeshm Island, R2=0.7275). These results showed that fish length and otolith growth have a positive relashionship, so can be useful tools for determining fish species, size and age.