ISSN: Open Access

Revista de rehabilitación cardíaca y pulmonar.

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Resistive Training and Hemodynamics in Cardiac Rehabilitation

Michel Lamotte* and Sara Chimenti

Muscular strengthening is a kind of training complementary to dynamic training and its purpose is to improve patient’s function, to correct amyotrophy and maybe to obtain more benefits in terms of physical capacity. This kind of training is recommended in cardiology (coronary disease, heart failure) but also in pulmonology, oncology, etc.
The challenge of rehabilitation is to propose training modalities that should be functionally efficient while limiting the hemodynamic effect.
Thanks to a continuous non-invasive technique we were able to measure heart rate, blood pressure and cardiac output during usual resistance training modalities. We were therefore able to prove that the “ideal hemodynamic-functional compromise” is to perform 3 shorts sets (10 rapid repetitions) with high loads (75% 1-RM), avoiding Valsalva and with a minimum time of recuperation of at least 1 min in-between the sets.