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Results of the Multicenter Study of Cortexin Efficacy in Children with Cognitive Dysfunction

Zykov V.P, Serebrennikova E.B, Panchenko T.N, Sycheva Ya.B, Presnykova S.N, Mazur E.L, Salova M.N, Golubeva E.S and Khromova S.K

According to the results of the study carried out by the Spanish pediatricians in 2017, neuropsychiatric disorders reach 18% among children aged 6–10 years, and ADHD takes the first place in the structure of up to 5.8%, speech disorders account for 3.42%, learning disorders account for 3.26%, anxiety-depressive disorders account for 2.4%, and behavioral disorders account for 1.8%, with comorbid symptoms in half of children. According to the authors, most children with psychoneurological disorders need additional training classes, social adaptation, and one third of patients need medicinal treatment [1]. In addition to training and psychotherapeutic assistance, it is appropriate to search for and administer modern medications without any psychotropic effects and stimulating brain neuroplasticity that would help to cope with attention deficit, speech disorders and asthenic personality disorders. Cortexin (C) has been administered in pediatrics since the beginning of 2000. Most of researches are focused on therapy of motor and cognitive disorders; the authors of such research have concluded that there is a certain drug effect in a complex rehabilitation to acquire psychomotor skills [2, 3, 4]. Cortexin administration has demonstrated positive results in ADHD patients leading to regress of inattention and hyperactivity manifestations [5]. The drug is a complex of neuropeptides of animal origin acting as a stimulator of neuroplastic brain function. The following brain proteins interacting with Cortexin have been found: three neuron-specific proteins tubulin β5, component of the cytoskeleton microtubules, and protein 14-3-3 α/β that belongs to the adaptor proteins affecting other peptides; actin participating in neuronal migration, reparation and differentiation, cytoskeleton protein widely found in many tissues and B-type creatine kinase, enzyme of cell energy metabolism [6]. Cortexin has been shown to increase dopamine levels in the brain in experimental studies, which does not exclude its administration in memory and attention deficits [ 7].