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Retrospective analysis of the epidemiology and clinical features of COVID-19 swab positive patients in relation to their imaging characteristics

Nicholas Barlow, Mohamed Ibrahim, Mushtaq Shah and Bhakti gavai

Introduction: This retrospective analysis identifies the common radiographic features of COVID-19 pneumonia, by describing the main chest x-ray and CT findings in a selected cohort of patients. The demographics and symptoms at presentation were also obtained to correlate with the national guidance and determine whether there is any statistically significant difference in imaging presentation between demographics.

Methods: Only patients presenting with a positive COVID-19 test who also underwent a chest x ray, CT chest or CT pulmonary angiography were eligible for this study. A total of 332 patients met the criteria, aged from 16 to 98.4 (mean age of 70.5 years) and compromising men and women.

Results: There was a significant difference in the number of abnormal chest X-rays (CXR) between males and females (p= 0.0086). Within these there were no individual symptoms showing significant differences between the sexes. Consolidation with bilateral, basal and peripheral predominance was all common features. Pleural effusion was seen in 4%.

Conclusion: This study corroborates imaging findings from earlier studies in the prevalence of radiographic/CT features. There was no significant difference in symptoms between males and females however there was a significant difference in the number of abnormal imaging between the groups.