ISSN: 2329-910X

Investigación clínica sobre pie y tobillo

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Simultaneous, Bilateral Triplane and Juvenile Tillaux Fractures in a 13-year old Boy: A Case Report and Discussion

Andrew J Rosenbaum, Cory M Czajka, John A Di Preta and Richard L Uhl

Pediatric Triplane and Tillaux fractures represent a continuum of Salter-Harris injuries of the distal tibia. Over an 18-month period in children 12 to 15 years of age, the distal tibial physis closes first centrally, than medially and finally laterally. It is this unique and asymmetric pattern that makes them vulnerable to these injuries, with the Tillaux fracture historically occurring in slightly older children than the triplane fracture. However, we present a case and discussion of a 13-year-old male who incurred simultaneous Tillaux and Triplane fractures.