ISSN: 2161-0711

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Socio-demographic Profile of Women with Delayed Diagnosis of Common Cancers (Breast and Cervix) in Tamil Nadu: A Cross-Sectional Study

Jasmine S Sundar, Parameswari Srijayanth, Karthikeyan Pandiyambakkam Rajendran, Srinivas Govindarajulu, Maanasa R, Jayashree S

Introduction: Globally, India ranked third in reporting cases of cancer, with approximately 1 million cases and half a million deaths every year. Of overall cancer cases, 70% of patients were women and the most common forms found in India were breast, cervical and oral cancer. The highest burden of both cancers was reported to be due to rapid urbanisation and changing lifestyles. Also, various studies have reported that the stage of diagnosis is highly essential to determine a better survival rate and this depends on the timely appraisal of the clinical picture of cancer by both patient and healthcare provider.

Objective: To assess and understand the socio-demographic profile of women with delayed diagnosis of breast and cervix cancer and to determine the potential risk factors for cancer diagnosis.

Materials and methods: 60 cancer (breast and cervix) patients with delayed cancer diagnosis attending oncology OPD in major tertiary care centres were enrolled based on their time duration between noticing the first symptom and diagnostic confirmation of cancer. Standardised questionnaire was used to collect their sociodemographic information and was analysed.

Results: 38% of breast and cervix cancer patients were in the age group of 51-60 years and 55% had lower educational qualifications with no/daily wage occupation. 80% had two or more children with normal breastfeeding duration and their family history of cancer was also less. The factors and reasons for delay mainly involved patients and their incomprehensiveness about the disease.

Conclusion: Our study thus highlighted the need for proper education and awareness on breast and cervix cancer among general people to improve their understanding of the clinical picture of the disease and enhance early disease diagnosis for a better quality of life.

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