ISSN: 2332-0877

Revista de terapia y enfermedades infecciosas

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Specificity of Brucellosis In Pregnancy: Presentation of Two Cases and Review of Literature

Fatnassi, Marwen N, Benltaifa A and Barhoumi T

In pregnant women, brucellosis may have different clinical aspects, but there are no specific signs of the disease and in all cases the maternal and fetal prognosis may be involved. We report two cases of brucellosis-infected pregnant women. In the first, the diagnosis and the treatment were early and the evolution was favorable with term delivery of a healthy newborn. In the second the pregnancy was complicated by a premature delivery at 32 weeks of gestation.

On the occasion of these two observations, we made a literature review to clarify the clinical features of this infection during pregnancy as well as its therapy specificities.