ISSN: 2329-8863

Avances en ciencia y tecnología de cultivos

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Strategies for Resilient Crop Production and Productivity

Vincent Canwat*

In the face of a growing global population and the unpredictable impacts of climate change, strategies for resilient crop production and productivity have become paramount in agriculture. This article explores a range of innovative and proven approaches aimed at bolstering crop resilience while optimizing productivity. These strategies encompass diverse crop rotations, conservation agriculture, water management, climate-resilient crop varieties, integrated pest management, organic farming practices, agroforestry, data-driven decision-making, risk management, and ongoing education and training. By implementing these strategies, farmers can not only enhance their crop yields but also ensure food security in a changing world while promoting environmental sustainability. This article highlights the importance of resilience as a cornerstone of modern agriculture and a key driver of sustainable global food production.