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Study the Efficacy of Medhya Rasayan in Senile Dementia

Pooja Kombe, Vaishali Kuchewar

Background: Dementia is a condition in which one’s thinking and remembering ability gradually hampers. According to The World Health Organization (WHO), in developing countries, the number of people who are 60 years aged and above will be approximately 75% among 1.2 billion as estimated. According to prediction, every 20 years, percentage of dementia almost doubles. Growth rate of dementia will be increased in countries like India, China, and South Asia and Pacific regions. However, lower in developed countries. According to various studies of DSMIV or ICD10 in Indian, Dementia prevalence varies from 0.9% to 4.8% in urban areas and 0.6% to 3.5% in rural areas. Dementia gradually decreases one’s strength, physical abilities, unable person to maintain a steady gait as it affects brain areas which controls movement and balance results in causing a risk for safety. These deteriorates the potential capacities like troubles in remembering things, thinking clearly, communicating with others, mood swings, changes in personality and behavior, may decrease a person’s quality of life. Till today, there is no complete cure for senile dementia, only symptomatic relief is there with Acetyl Cholinesterase Inhibitors (AChEI) (donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine) and memantine, which is an N-methyl-Daspartate partial antagonist. Approximately 40-50% of people with Alzheimer’s disease respond this symptomatically treatment. There are many side effects of this modern treatment are noted. There are very less work in Ayurveda on senile dementia. Hence this study is planned.

Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of Medhya Rasayan on MMSE.

Methodology: Eligible Patients will be divided in two groups by lottery method and medicine will be given according to group and outcomes will be assessed on 30th, 60th, and 90th day.

Results: If the proposed study results in the positive outcome, this treatment can be given in cure as well as prevention purpose of senile dementia.

Conclusion: It will be drawn from statistical analysis.

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