ISSN: Open Access

Revista de rehabilitación cardíaca y pulmonar.

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Surgical Challenges of Cardiac transplantation in Dextrocardia with Congenital Heart Disease A Systemic Review

Vikram Halder, Soumitra Ghosh, Shrimanth YS, Sujitha Reddy Karri, Aduri Raja Suman Dutta, Rupesh Kumar, Banashree Mandal, Shyam Kumar Singh Thingnam

Pediatric cardiac transplant evolved in last decade. In preoperative investigation CT volumetry should be done to prevent donor recipient mismatch. In dextrocardia it is difficult to get same morphological donor so in case of dextrocardia donor heart should be tilted to right side and pericardium should be wide opened after opening of bilateral pleura. In case of left superior vena cava and situs inversus tube graft is used for vena caval connection. In post Glenn and Fontan patient extra length of donor pulmonary artery should be taken and in hypoplastic left heart syndrome donor aorta till isthmus should be taken. We have described different surgical strategies of 7 case reports and 1 case series of heart transplant with dextrocardia.