ISSN: 2471-9846

Revista de enfermería comunitaria y de salud pública

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Swarnabindu Prashan (SBP): Benison For Children and Young Adolescent

Sakshi Chakrapani Chaturvedi

Swarna bindu Prashan is introducing Swarna (GOLD METAL) along with herbs in the liquidform as oral vaccine by children. Swarna Amrit Prashan is one of samskara. Swarna bindu vaccine is initiated from infancy till Adolescence. Aim of the study isto review the components of swarnabindu Prashan, to critically review clinical trials and collect evidence to state benefits for children. Systematic review was done by adopting PRISMA checklist. In this study only a few papers were there for author’s interest and need for health impact study. Ayurveda has deep roots for Current and old method of introduction of Swarna prashna among children below 16 years of age group in India. Overall result of all studies showed improved growth and development after introduction of swarna bindu vaccine within a year without any side effect and a happy childhood which shows not only health but also wellbeing. 

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