ISSN: E-2314-7326

Enfermedades neuroinfecciosas

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Systematic Review on Neurological Manifestations of COVID-19 Corona Virus

Khandaker Abu Talha, Farhana Selina, Morshed Nasir, Moshiur Rahman, Shafiqul Islam and Abu Kausar

COVID-19 patients are reported to be presented with neurological symptoms. This systematic review includes 1,303 COVID-19 patients of 12 articles who had neurological manifestations. Eight articles were prospective case series and three were case reports. Commonest neurological presentation was headache followed by impaired conscious level, seizure, dizziness, cerebral vascular problem and loss of taste and smell. Previous studies supported that Corona virus can cause encephalitis, multiple sclerosis or cerebral hemorrhage. Respiratory failure due to damage of cardiorespiratory center of brainstem by COVID-19 virus has not been ruled out.

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