ISSN: 2472-5005

Revista de patología y terapia del habla

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The Effectiveness of Online Parent Training for Narrative Language in Children with Down Syndrome

Lisa Schoenbrodt, Libby Kumin, Nicolette Vulpis and Meghan Nichols

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of online parent training to increase narrative language comprehension and production in children with Down syndrome.
Participants were 8 parent/child dyads who took part in a 4-week online training that included the use of online videos of children who modeled narrative language strategies in pre-reading, during reading and postreading. Strategies included the use of semantic word maps, picture walk, internal states charts, story grammar prompts, and comprehension questions. Parents completed a survey before and after the completion of the study as well as after completion of each strategy module.
Results showed positive results that mirrored that of in-person parent training. Parents reported that online delivery allowed them to be able to learn new skills to increase narrative language that was convenient and presented in a way that facilitated learning.
Conclusion: Results of the study have implications for reinforcing critical skills through a different platform that can reach more people than in-person training.