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Ahmed Hussein Rayan
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a mental illness that can be brought on by severe trauma, is extremely debilitating.Negative somatic comorbidities accompany PTSD, despite its primary mental nature.In accordance with previous findings, we found a significant phenotypic correlation between PTSD severity scores and the various MetS components in this study's military veteran cohort of veterans with chronic PTSD presentation (n =). We used summary statistics data from large-scale genetic studies to conduct a genetic correlation analysis to determine whether the observed correlations between symptoms are the result of a shared genetic background. MetS is one illness that frequently occurs alongside PTSD. It is characterized by a collection of health risk/resilience factorsThere is a strong genetic correlation between obesity-related MetS components and PTSD (rg[SE] = 0.25, SE = 0.05, p = 6.4E-08).When genomic regions with greater local genetic correlation are prioritized, three significant loci are implicated.These findings generally suggest that the fact that PTSD and MetS share a significant amount of genetic material may partially explain why PTSD patients are more likely to develop MetS.