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The Premolar Root Profile Referred to the Convergent Angles of a Tapered Implant

Dong Sheng Zhng

Autotransplantation is a method of replacing teeth in which a tooth from one person is inserted into another part of the body. Even among clinicians who typically perform tooth transplants, the practice of transplanting tooth germs with unformed or early-stage roots is uncommon. An experience-based perspective on autologous transplantation of teeth lacking sufficient root length is presented in this debated paper. This paper raises the chance of performing autotransplantation of benefactor teeth that were recently viewed as sub-standard.

A broke tooth is a typical dental hard tissue sickness. The treatment and restoration of the affected teeth are directly impacted by the presence of cracks. It is useful to pick more proper treatment choices and assess the guess of the impacted tooth precisely to decide the real association of the break. However, it is currently challenging to accurately and quantitatively measure the extent of cracks. Therefore, it is necessary to discover a real, quantitative, and nondestructive method for early crack detection. In order to serve as a reference for locating a clinical detection method for cracked teeth, this article provides a review of the current clinical detection methods and research progress for cracked teeth.