ISSN: 2161-0460

Revista de enfermedad de Alzheimer y parkinsonismo

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The Role of Microglia in the Injured Neurosystem

Nicholas Sanchez BS and Wolff M Kirsch

Microglia is the brain’s innate neuroprotective actor responsible for maintaining neuroplasticity and directing a remedial response when confronted with a pathogenic insult or physical trauma. Microglia are enabled to defend the central nervous system to ensure that homeostasis is maintained. Unfortunately, the pro-inflammatory responses microglia use to shield the neurons from threats also have the capability to cause damage detrimental to cognitive stability. This review covers some of these pathways involved in both neuroprotective and neurodegenerative outcomes, then moves on to possibilities on how these results can lead to diseases, specifically Alzheimer’s disease. Finally, we comment on the opportunities and challenges of various experimental models currently being used for microglia studies.