ISSN: E-2314-7326

Enfermedades neuroinfecciosas

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Tick Paralysis: A Treatable Disease Not to Be Missed

Karan B Karki, Paola Castri, Christina Abrams, Hitesh Sandhu and Namrata Shah

Tick paralysis is a rare condition which can be treated easily but if undiagnosed can lead to significant morbidity and mortality. It is prevalent in certain areas especially in North America and Australia. It is characterized by acute onset symmetric lower extremity weakness and if not diagnosed early the weakness involves the upper extremities, cranial nerves, respiratory musculature leading to respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation. The clinical picture is often confused with other causes of acute onset paralysis eg., Guillain-Barre syndrome, the Miller Fisher variant, leading to unnecessary investigations and interventions complicating the clinical picture. The condition can be easily diagnosed by careful history and physical examination. Tick removal will lead to early and complete recovery of the condition.

It is very important for the clinicians to be aware of this condition so that it can be recognized early to avoid unnecessary and expensive investigations, interventions, morbidity and mortality.

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