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To investigate the Need for Palliative Care in Cerebrovascular Accident (stroke) Patients at Ladysmith Regional Hospital

Mohammed Jamil Hossain

This research study explores the need for palliative care by the patients who are recovering from stroke after an acute event. Stroke survivors need comprehensive care for their physical, psychosocial, spiritual well-being and additional support. The comprehensive total care in all aspect of physical, social and spiritual well-being can only be offered by the holistic approach of palliative care focusing, as it does, on the rehabilitation for stroke survivors to improve their quality of life.

A literature review was conducted to investigate how palliative care can help to change the quality of life for stroke survivors. There has been little research on the topic of providing palliative care to stroke patients in South Africa. The aim of the study is: “To investigate the Need for Palliative care in Cerebrovascular Accident (stroke) patients at Ladysmith Regional Hospital”.

The objectives of the study were:

A. To identify the holistic care needs of stroke patients.

B. To describe the care provided to stroke patients.

C. To identify the gaps in the care requirements of stroke patients.

The study site was Ladysmith Regional Hospital, in UThukela District in Kwa-Zulu-Natal province, South Africa. This is a cross sectional study using mixed methods-both quantitative and qualitative-interviewing patients, and family members of patients who had suffered from a cerebrovascular accident.

From the results of quantitative data analysis by using SS-QOL tools, it was identified that the physical, emotional and social dysfunctions were the major concern of the participants after surviving from acute stroke. The result of qualitative data analysis, it was found that patients’ quality of life was poor, and they needed assistance from different health care team. It was observed in the study that the integration of palliative care with the rehabilitation programme can deliver a better service to the stroke patients with residual disabilities and morbidities.