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Tooth Surface Loss Associated With Oral Home Care Devices: A Case Report

Mohamed A. Bassiouny

Universal consensus affirms the role of dental plaque as the single most significant etiology of dental caries and gingivitis. To prevent the occurrence of these destructive diseases, the removal of plaque by mechanical devices is employed with profound effect. Toothbrush and interdental cleansing devices such as dental floss are predominantly used for this purpose. However, serious damage to the dentition may result from the misuse of these tools. This report portrays this type of damage that is manifested as severe dental abrasion of the entire circumference of root trunks of a dentition. This condition was developed by improper use of the aforementioned devices aggressively for three decades. The resultant damage serves as a sober reminder of what not to do when performing oral home care. This report also highlights the importance of adopting a proper oral hygiene protocol following professional instructions.