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Warthin’s Tumor Multimodality Imaging. Anatomical and Scintigraphy Imaging Review, Including PET-CT and SPECT-CT

Mehdi Djekidel, Page Wang, Morand Piert, Suresh K. Mukherji and Richard K. Brown

Salivary gland lesions discovered incidentally on various anatomic and molecular imaging modalities (-including PET-CT and SPECT-CT-) offer a clinical dilemma. The appropriate use of imaging techniques to diagnose a Warthin’s tumor would be of utility. Anatomical and functional imaging modalities have been used with variable success. The evaluation of a suspected Warthin’s tumor is challenging, each modality presenting with its benefits and limitations. No comprehensive review exists of the various ways to image Warthin’s tumor. This review would help imaging experts to find ways to diagnose Warthin’s tumors in difficult or indeterminate biopsies as well as cases where a biopsy is not indicated or not the first choice- for a variety of reasons. We propose to review different imaging techniques with the most recent advances, including PET-CT and SPECT-CT.

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