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Automatism, in materia medica, refers to a bent to require a drug over and all over again, forgetting whenever that one has already taken the dose. this will cause a accumulative dose. a selected example is barbiturates that were once ordinarily used as hypnotic (sleep inducing) medicine. Among the present hypnotics, benzodiazepines, particularly benzodiazepine would possibly show marked response, presumably through their intrinsic amnesia result. Barbiturates area unit renowned to induce hyperalgesia, i.e. aggravation of pain and for wakefulness attributable to pain, if barbiturates area unit used, additional pain and additional disorientation would follow resulting in drug automation and eventually a "pseudo"suicide. Such reports dominated the medical literature of Sixties and 1970s; a reason commutation the barbiturates with benzodiazepines once they became accessible.