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Food animal medicine

 Some veterinarians deal exclusively or primarily with animals raised for food (such as meat, milk, and eggs). Livestock practitioners may deal with ovine (sheep), bovine (cattle) and porcine (swine) species; such veterinarians deal with management of herds, nutrition, reproduction, and minor field surgery. Dairy medicine practice focuses on dairy animals. Poultry medicine practice focuses on the health of flocks of poultry; the field often involves extensive training in pathology, epidemiology, and nutrition of birds. The veterinarian treats the flock and not the individual animals.

Related Journals of Food animal medicine:

Advanced Techniques in Biology & MedicineBiology and MedicineAlternative & Integrative MedicineArchives of MedicineGeneral Medicine: Open Access, Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Journal of Exotic Pet medicine, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, The Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine.