ISSN: 2165-7904

Revista de terapia de pérdida de peso y obesidad

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Junk Food and Childhood Obesity

Junk food availability in schools has greatly increased the rates of occurrence of obesity. It has been found out that in stomach, there are a number of microbial species present that help the body cells to fight against obesity, diabetes, inflammatory bowel conditions, heart disease, etc. Junk food kills these microbial species leading to increased level of occurrence of obesity and its related diseases.

In United States, it has been surveyed that childhood obesity has almost doubled in past 30 years. This percentage is increasing in an alarming mode which is ultimately leading to several other body diseases at such a tender age. To reduce child obesity, there should be proper planned healh diet for the children A regular physical exercise is also needed in order to improve the condition in a better way.

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