ISSN: 2332-0877

Revista de terapia y enfermedades infecciosas

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T Cell Lymphomatic Virus

T cell Lymphomatic viruses are the first human retrovirus discovered.It belongs to the class of Lentivirus. Most Patients affected with this virus have more chances in developing leukaemia. Some people may develop infectious diseases or other inflammatory disorders. Symptoms include weakness, numbness and stiffness in the legs, difficulty walking and inflammation of eyes. The risk of infection occurs in the persons who are repeated injection users. Some people may develop the infection by sexual contact with the injection users. The virus is linked to neuro degenerative disorders.

Related Journals of T Cell Lymphomatic Virus

Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy, Bacteriology Journal,Clinical Infectious Disease Journal,Immunology Journal, Neuroinfectious Disease Journal, Pathology Journal, Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia, Journal of Leukemia and Lymphoma, Leukemia and Lymphoma.