ISSN: 2155-6105

Revista de investigación y terapia de adicciones

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Adicción con problemas concurrentes

Artículo de investigación

Adolescent Technology Use: Profiles of Distinct Groups and Associated Risky Behaviors

  • Magali Dufour, Annie Gendron, Natacha Brunelle, Marie-Marthe Cousineau3 and Danielle Leclerc

Artículo de investigación

Lifetime Affective and Alcohol Use Disorder: Impact of Comorbidity on Current Functioning and Service Use in a Rural Population

  • Frances J Kay Lambkin, Kerry J Inder, Tonelle E Handley, Yun Ming Yong, Terry J Lewin and Brian J Kelly

Artículo de investigación

Illicit and Prescription Opiate Dependence: The Impact of Axis II Psychiatric Comorbidity on Detoxification Outcome

  • Sarah Coupland, Ronald Fraser, Jorge Palacios-Boix, Dara A Charney, Juan-Carlos Negrete and Kathryn J Gill

Artículo de investigación

Correlates of At-risk Gambling Behaviors of Homeless Youth

  • Magali Dufour, Elise Roy, Jean-Francois Boivin, Jean-Francois Boudreau and Marie Robert

Artículo de investigación

The Treatment of Complex Dual Disorders: Clinicians' and Service Users' Perspectives

  • Phillip Therien, Anais S. Lavarenne and Tania Lecomte

Artículo de investigación

Variables Associated with Drug and Alcohol Abuse among Male and Female users with Severe Mental Disorders

  • Marie-Josée Fleury, Guy Grenier and Jean-Marie Bamvita

Artículo de investigación

Change in Neurocognition in People with Co-occurring Alcohol Misuse and Depression: 12-Month Follow-up

  • Sally Ann Hunt, Amanda Louise Baker, Patricia T. Michie and Frances J. Kay-Lambkin

Artículo de investigación

Psychological Distress Increases Needle Sharing among Cocaine users: Results from the COSMO Study

  • Annie Lévesque, Julie Bruneau, Didier Jutras-Aswad, Karine Bertrand, Florence Chanut, Magali Dufour, François Lespérance, Michel Perreault, Éric Vaillancourt and Elise Roy

Artículo de investigación

Simultaneous use of Alcohol, Tobacco and Cannabis in Relation to Severity of Substance Dependence: A Study among Young Swiss Men

  • Stphanie Baggio, Joseph Studer, Stéphane Deline, Alexandra N’Goran, Meichun Mohler-Kuo, Jean-Bernard Daeppen and Gerhard Gmel

Artículo de investigación

Eating Behaviors, Body Composition and Risk of Relapse among Persons withdrawing from Substance Abuse: A 3-months Follow-up Study

  • Maaike Kruseman, André Berchtold, Carmen Sangin, Yasser Khazaal, Rita Manghi, Michel Piccard-Kossovsky, Jean-Michel Gaspoz and Barbara Broers