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Ron Khaleef
One of the important chemicals that regulates bone remodelling and orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) is vitamin D. Increased rates of OTM have been linked to higher vitamin D levels. This study sought to ascertain the relationship between OTM rate and vitamin D deficiency following the application of orthodontic pressures [1, 2].
Materials and Methods: Wistar rats were split into two groups: the experimental group, which had vitamin D shortage induced, and the control group, which had average vitamin D levels. Fixed orthodontic appliances were used to start the movement of the teeth. On day zero and then once every seven days until day 21, the distance between the reference teeth was measured in millimetres.
Results: There was a significant difference within the experimental group, and neither the control group nor the interaction between time and group type was significant.
Conclusion: Induced vitamin D deficiency in rats had no effect on how quickly teeth moved after orthodontic