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Coating Removal Techniques in Aerospace Industries: Study Case

Davarpanah A*, Hemat AH and Larki M

In the recent years, aviation industry in terms of corrosion has been undertaken with million pounds. Therefore, by appropriate maintenance and husbandry, these effects could be decreased. Most of the aircrafts could be maintained by long term and short term inspection check. Nowadays, one of the most important and yet most underestimated support activities for corrosion control in aviation industry is protective coating removal like High pressure water, Sodium bicarbonate, Agricultural by-products, Sponge media, Petroleum based plastic media and Engineering bio-based media. Coatings removal techniques can actually degrade the substrate if they are not suited for the surfaces or are not performed correctly. This could have potential catastrophic consequences. However, because of ageing, many of these coatings eventually require removal and reapplication. In this research, the current state-of-the-art coating removal technologies in the aviation industry are discussed. Engineering bio-based media has more advantages than the other and it can be used between 8-15 times. Finally, worker health and safety will be an ever increasing priority when selecting a technique.