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Primary Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Thigh A Case Report and Review of Literature

Vishwas D. Pai, Sushma V. Pai, Vidhya Manohar, Suvarna Ravindranath and Mahantesh. K. Math

Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) are second most common cutaneous malignancy. Exposure to ultraviolet rays remains the single most important etiological factor. Although SCC can arise in unexposed areas these are typically associated with long standing ulcers and sinuses or immunosuppression. There are no randomized controlled trials on primary cutaneous SCC in general and in these rare subsites in particular. There is no consensus on the management of these tumours particularly the role of prophylactic lymph node dissection and role of adjuvant radiotherapy. The purpose of reporting this case is to critically review the literature for the current evidence for the management of primary cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.



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