ISSN: 2278-0238

Revista internacional de investigación y desarrollo en farmacia y ciencias biológicas

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Ragini Sharma, Neelam Jain, Deepika Rani, Amrita jaitawat, S. M. Kantwa

Nutrition is the science or practice of consuming and utilizing food for healthy living. Appropriate nutrition means getting the right amount of nutrients from food in the precise quantity and combinations. Balanced diet is essential for normal growth and development of baby. Proper diet includes supplements like micronutrients, macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, lactating agents etc. After extensive research and evaluation of literature, scientist reached at a point that fat is necessary for development of growing foetus and sesame seeds are highly ranked as one of the nutritional supplement for high fat diet. So the present review article is focused on the importance of sesame seeds as high fat diet because it contains omega-3, omega-6 and DHA which are the important factors for development of brain, eye and many other organs. It also possesses pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications which are supportive during pregnancy. Many studies are performed on the nutritional values of sesame seeds but the exact role of this herb during pre and postnatal development is not thoroughly studied so in the present review we mainly focused on the role of sesame seeds before and during pregnancy.