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Germaine Ibro
Weeds are plants that compete for nutrients, space, and light and exert many harmful effects by reducing the quality and quantity of crops if the weed population is uncontrolled. The direct yield loss has been estimated to be within the range of 16–86%, depending on the type of rice culture, weed species, and environmental condition Multispectral imagery was used to identify the condition of the crops. It can be an indicator to determine weeds and paddy plants based on the spectral resolution in the imagery. or aerial data, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was used, attached with a multispectral camera, Micasense. Weed control is important to prevent losses in yield and production costs, and to preserve good grain quality. Specifically, weed decrease yields by direct competition for sunlight, nutrients, and water increase production costs e.g., higher labor or input cost, reduce grain quality and price weed seeds in grain can cause the buyer price to be reduced.